
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Biggest Secret



'Frater 616' mentions a man with the Illuminati-Satanic code name of 'Pindar', who he had worshipped as 'the true father of the statutory heir'. 'Pindar' has  featured in my books going back to The Biggest Secret and he is a Satanist operating at the highest levels of the global cabal.
Satanism is run as a strict heirachy based on bloodline and the perceived 'power' of the demonic entities that the advocates allow to possess them. In many ways, the demonic heirachy is reflected in the 'human' heirachy of Satanism.
Satanists are vehicles for demonic entities (often reptilian in form) to manipulate human society. The rituals can also create an energetic 'doorway' or 'gateway' between vibrational realities that allow the entities to manifest in our world of 'visible light'.
I have spoken with a number of people over the years who have described how reptilian and other demonic entities manifested before them during rituals and how participants 'shifted' from human to reptilian form in the same energetic environment.
Satanism at its 'highest' levels is also designed through the rituals and the manipulation of energy to imprint its low-vibrational mind-patterns into the waveform fabric of our reality. As the 'death bed confession' document says: 'What most people do not realise is that Satanism is a ritually based practice and that this repetition has - over time - left strong impressions upon the Morphic Field!'
This is the 'sea' of energy (information) in which we all live and if you want to manipulate every fish at the same time, what do you do? You manipulate the sea.

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