
Monday, April 12, 2010

Exopolitics researcher develops evidence-based typology of extraterrestrial civilizations

Recent whistleblower, direct witness and documentary evidence have led to the development of new typology of extraterrestrial civilizations.  The new typology establishes the following types for extraterrestrial civilizations and extraterrestrial governance bodies as concerns extraterrestrial law.  The new typology for extraterrestrial civilizations was developed by Exopolitics author and researcher Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd in response to a request by Oxford University Press, a department of the University of Oxford, U.K.
The new evidence-based typological model divides extraterrestrial civilizations into (A) Extraterrestrial civilizations (3rd dimension), that is (1) Solar system civilizations (3rd dimension) based in the third dimension in our solar system, such as the intelligent human civilization living under the surface of Mars that reportedly enjoys a strategic relationship with the United States government; and (2) Deep space civilizations (3rd dimension), that is, intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations that are based in the third dimension and on a planet, solar system, or space station in our or another galaxy or in some other location in this known physical, third dimension universe. (B) Hyper-dimensional civilizations, that is intelligent civilizations that are based in dimensions or universes parallel or encompassing our own dimension and that may use technologically advanced physical form and/or transport when entering our known dimension or universe.  With regard to extraterrestrial law and governance, the new extraterrestrial civilizations typology identifies (C) Extraterrestrial governance authorities: Legally constituted extraterrestrial governance authorities with jurisdiction over a defined territory, such as the Milky Way Galactic Federation, which has been empirically located in replicable research.
Conventional typology is “the study of types”, in anthropology a typology is “the division of culture by races,” in archaeology a typology is “the classification of things according to their characteristics,” and in psychology a typology is “the classification of things according to personality types.”
Existing typologies of extraterrestrial civilizations are limited and do not reflect the manner in which extraterrestrial civilizations exist and are self-governed in the multi-verse.  The Kardashev scale typology that Nikolai Kardashev and Dr. Michio Kaku have developed is based on “ a civilization's level of technological advancement,” rather than on the multi-verse dimension in which the civilization exists, which is a more fundamental typological, locational and developmental criterion.  The extraterrestrial typology developed by Dr. Michael E. Salla, classifying extraterrestrial civilizations by race or approximate location and whether they are “cooperating with or outside earth's Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial Complex,” again neglects the dimensional anchoring of extraterrestrial civilizations. This specific typology appears to be too anthropocentric and subjective for universal application.

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