Asians Expect Total US Collapse By Summer
March 17, 2025
*When a bow hunter hunts an elephant, they shoot an arrow into its’ heart
but do not approach it for at least 24 hours. That is because ev...
Friday, December 23, 2011
Andromeda Council: Role of male "star" in inseminating female Gaia to birth 4th dimensional Earth
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Earth Sized UFO Sun Ships
Nassim Haramein has spotted Earth Sized Nephilim/Annunaki Sun Ships using our sun as a "Stargate" portal to other systems.
To me(Dave Beamer) various ancient lore mention a new "Phoenix" born from the sun every 500 years as a prior craft does its' return trip into the sun. Langrenus and Copernicus craters on our Moon both have NAZCA line shaped Phoenix ships docked there. Smaller then their planet sized mother ships but no less relevant to Earth history.
Nassim Haramein Physicist Resonance Project
Phoebus another name for Apollo, but is also a poetic word to describe the sun;
Thus please note Apollo in Rev. 9:11 or Apolyon the Nephilim angel of death destroyer and his Locust Alien Army...
To me(Dave Beamer) various ancient lore mention a new "Phoenix" born from the sun every 500 years as a prior craft does its' return trip into the sun. Langrenus and Copernicus craters on our Moon both have NAZCA line shaped Phoenix ships docked there. Smaller then their planet sized mother ships but no less relevant to Earth history.
Nassim Haramein Physicist Resonance Project
Phoebus another name for Apollo, but is also a poetic word to describe the sun;
Thus please note Apollo in Rev. 9:11 or Apolyon the Nephilim angel of death destroyer and his Locust Alien Army...
Alien Technology,
Bio UFOs,
Chariots of The Gods,
Cosmic Journeys,
Extraterrestrial Civilizations,
Solar System,
Time Travel,
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Ancient Aliens and the Secret Code
Alien Moon Base,
Extraterrestrial Civilizations,
Global Conspiracy,
Hidden Universe,
Moon Matrix,
Outer Space Connection,
Vedic Civilization,
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Andromeda Council - Transformation to a 4th dimensional Earth Life
Andromeda Council website
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions page
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions page
1. ET Council: War with grey-Draco reptilian ETs is won, no false flag ET invasion
2. YOU TUBE: Andromeda Council - War with Orion grey-Draco Reptilian ETs is won, no false flag ET invasion
3. Andromeda Council Update on Elenin, brown dwarf, Nibiru, earth changes, 4D Earth
4. YOU TUBE: Andromeda Council Update on Elenin, brown dwarf, Nibiru, earth changes, 4D Earth
Part I
Part II
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Sir Edmund Halley and The Pleiades Anomoly
published 2007
from Wtfdiam.StevenRedhead Website
About 200 years ago Sir Edmund Halley discovered an anomaly in space around the stars of the Pleiades.
A hundred years later Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel confirmed Halley's findings. In 1961 Paul Otto Hesse defined and measured this anomaly. It's an energy ring of incredible size, 760 thousand billion miles wide, and is due to intersect the earth just about any minute now. He also calculated that this is part of a 25,000-year-long cycle that our solar system goes through.
It's expected that once we're into the Photon Belt, electricity won't function and there will be three to five days of total darkness.
With the total failure of electricity, public services will fail - communications, telephone, water and power are dependent upon electricity - as are gas pumps, public lighting, radio and TV. All indigenous cultures and religions prophesy three days of darkness to mark the "end times."
The photon belt is an immense region of space which is radiating intense electromagnetic radiation throughout the visible spectrum and beyond, into high-frequency invisible light; even including some x-ray spectra. It is part of a magnetic flow of light throughout the galaxy.
Reference has already been made through the media to huge increases in intensity of 'dangerous' radiation entering through the holes in the ozone layer in certain regions of our planet.
Solar System
Our solar system journeys through the universe in a 26,200 year cycle, its path crossing what is popularly termed the Milky Way at right angles twice during that period.
Every 13,000 years or so therefore planet Earth comes into a space/time overlap or period of NULL-TIME, an electromagnetic no-zone or energy vacuum, with complete absence of electromagnetic fields and the temporary suspension of the planetary grid system. When the pendulum reaches the destructive pause at the end of its swing, this is one of the results.
This cosmic cloud is called the PHOTON Belt, the Milky Way or Manasic Ring, and ushers in an era of Light (2,000 years of Enlightenment) after a much longer period of [biblical] darkness.
We are now poised to enter this Photon Belt, and there is nothing we can do to avoid it. It is the ending of a cycle.
Understand it without fearing it.
The Discovery of the Photon Belt
Electrons are neutralized during this period and therefore the laws of electricity lapse - there will be absolutely NO electrical activity during this period, not even from batteries.
The effects will be far-reaching.
The photon belt's discovery was due to a series of studies of the Pleiades that began in the days of the famous British Astronomer, Sir Edmund Halley (1656-1742). Halley discovered that at least three of the stars in this star group were not in the same positions recorded by the Greeks. The difference was so great that it was impossible that either the Greeks or Halley were wrong.
Halley concluded that the Pleiades moved within a prescribed system of motion.
This concept was proven by Fredrick Wilhelm Bessel with his discovery that the stars in the Pleiades had a proper motion of 5.5 seconds of arc per century. (JW We are then referred to a chart that I can't show you). Jose Comas Sola further postulated that the Pleiades and a number of other stars formed a distinct system and that all apparently had their own planetary systems.
Paul Otto Hesse also studied this system and discovered at absolute right angles to the movement of the stars, a photon belt or manasic ring with a thickness of approximately 2000 light years.
If the results of the observations of Jose Comas Sola and Paul Otto Hesse about the Pleiades are correct, our star (the Sun) is in a 24000 year cycle with the Pleiadean Photon Belt. At present we are poised to enter the belt and pass through the 2000 light year manasic ring before the end of this XX century.
The question to be asked is what is the significance of this event to our planetary civilization?
Before we answer that question let us describe some of the fore running events and allied phenomena that occur before we enter the belt. At the edge of the belt is a null zone. As we have crept closer, the planet has become subjected to an increase in seismic activity and volcanism.
Further, we have seen an alteration of traditional weather patterns that permits the formation of extremely severe typhoons, hurricanes and tornadoes. There is also the added stress placed on the upper atmosphere which could have aided the formation of the ozone holes.
The Sun has responded by an increase in solar flare activity and in a general stellar cooling.
It must be remembered that the null zone is the place where the photon energy in the belt is created. It is a place where all particles of matter and anti-matter are annihilated. Hence, there is a vast pressure on our solar system. This pressure builds up gradually and does not climb in an exponential manner until we pass into the zone.
We are now in the position of near entry into the belt (entry will occur sometime before the end of this decade).
Signs of the approach of the Photon Belt
Should Earth reach this PHOTON Belt before our Sun does, the sky will appear to be on fire and there would be three days and three nights of blinding light.
Welders' goggles would be needed to protect eyes from this light, as it would burn out the retinal nerves, and this would continue for 110-120 hours. This is a cold light, therefore there would be no heat. But there could be radiation, so one should remain indoors.
If the Sun reaches the Belt first there will be a similar period of immediate and total darkness, without the sun rising. All molecules will become excited and atomic structures will change at this point in time and all life-forms will have a certain luminescence about them, creating their own light system.
Signs of the approach of the Photon Belt are said to be strange lighting effects or colors in the sky, a perception of less light - even in midsummer, and a gradual darkening of the planet itself, with final entry into total darkness taking 15-20 minutes.
Spiraling Energies
The mechanics of this anticipated encounter of our solar system with the photon belt.
The whole universe is held together by means of vortices within vortices of centripetal energy - with their associated electromagnetic fields - like whirlpools on water, within larger whirlpools (this is the machinery behind Einstein's space-time topology of general relativity).
These spiraling energies give rise to natural space-time orbits: satellites around planets, planets around stars, solar systems around other more major vortex centers, and so on. Our planet Earth orbits the Sun once a year but our solar system as a whole also traverses an orbit in this section of the galaxy with a period of about 24,000 years.
There are many other solar (star) systems in this cyclic motion (just as there are numerous planets orbiting the Sun).
The Pleiades, which is encircled by the photon belt, is about 400 light years from us (~123 pc), and is part of this system and in fact our solar system orbits the central sun of the Pleiades, Alcyone.
The belt consists of many photon bands emanating from the centre of the galaxy, and associated with the spiral arms of the galaxy.
Alcyone - the central sun of the Pleiades Constellation
The Photon Belt and the manasic radiation have a greater impact than one might imagine.
From the scientific point of view, it is the procession of our Solar System and its accompanying planets around the Central Sun, called Alcyone, located in the constellation of Pleiades. This counter-clockwise cyclic procession around Alcyone requires 25,860 years to make one complete orbit.
Our present-day sun, moon, and planets must twice pass through the Photon Belt during this time, that is, once to the North and once to the South. (See diagram, below.)
During this cycle, there are two periods of darkness and two periods of light.
The periods of darkness, which constitute the vast majority of the rotation around the Central Sun, consist of two periods of 10,500 years each, plus an additional, seemingly optional 430 years for both of the 10,500-year periods. (i.e., 10,500 + 430 = 10,930 years, times 2 = 21,860 years).
Following each period of 10,500 years of darkness, we then emerge into 2000 years of total light, which actually constitutes the Photon Belt.
In review, we then have 21,860 years of darkness and 4,000 years of light (21,860 + 4,000 = 25,860 years, or one complete cycle/orbit).
Harmonic Convergence
In 1961 science discovered, by means of satellites, a photon belt encircling the Pleiades.
This photon belt circles the Pleiadian system at an absolute right angle to its orbital planes. As our sun (and the earth with it) orbits the Pleiades once every 25,860 years, it reaches the midpoint of the photon belt approximately every 12,500 years. It requires some 2,000 years to traverse it, meaning that after departing this realm, another 10,500 years pass before our Solar System enters it again.
Before going any further, we should be mindful of the fact that this particular cycle is nestled within a number of greater cycles.
What distinguishes this particular cycle from all its previous occurrences is that it culminates, together with all the other cycles of which it is but a part - including the overall cycle of 206 million years, in one single point of convergence. This is also called the Harmonic Convergence.
In 1962 we entered the sphere of influence of this photon belt. Calculations approximate the year of the actual entry into its mainstream to be 2011. This correlates with the time when the universe reaches its point of maximum expansion. The East familiarizes us with the contraction and expansion rhythm of the universe as the Inbreath and Outbreath of God - each breath covering a time span (in this density) in the vicinity of 11,000 years.
It is no coincidence that this time frame corresponds with the Grand Cycles, the orbit of our sun around the central sun Alcyone.
The meanings
The photon (from Greek meaning light) is a quantum of the electromagnetic field, for instance light.
The photon is one of the elementary particles, along with the electron. Together with the particles that make up nuclei, their interactions account for a great many of the features of matter, such as the existence and stability of atoms, molecules, and solids. These interactions are studied in quantum electrodynamics (QED), which is the oldest part of the Standard Model of particle physics.
This belt of photon particles was first discovered in the 1960's in vicinity of the Pleiades by satellite instrumentation.
A photon particle is the result of a collision between an anti-electron or positron and an electron. These split second collisions cause the charges of the particles to cancel and the resultant mass is converted into energy in the form of photons.
Manasic [from Sanskrit manas mind] Anglicized equivalent of Sanskrit manasika (mental, intelligent).
Greek Mythology
If you look out to the east when the sky is dark during the fall months, you will see one of the most famous and beautiful star groupings in the sky.
It looks like a small faint question mark, made up of stars. This star grouping, or cluster, is the Pleiades or Seven Sisters. The Pleiades are located within the constellation Taurus, the Bull, and represent the bull's shoulder.
In Greek mythology, Taurus represented the king of the gods, Zeus, who disguised himself as a white bull with golden horns to attract the beautiful maiden, Europa.
When Europa seated herself on the bull's back, he swam away with her to Crete, which is why we see only the animal's head and forequarters in the constellation.
The Pleiades
The Photon Belt
from Wtfdiam.StevenRedhead Website
About 200 years ago Sir Edmund Halley discovered an anomaly in space around the stars of the Pleiades.
A hundred years later Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel confirmed Halley's findings. In 1961 Paul Otto Hesse defined and measured this anomaly. It's an energy ring of incredible size, 760 thousand billion miles wide, and is due to intersect the earth just about any minute now. He also calculated that this is part of a 25,000-year-long cycle that our solar system goes through.
It's expected that once we're into the Photon Belt, electricity won't function and there will be three to five days of total darkness.
With the total failure of electricity, public services will fail - communications, telephone, water and power are dependent upon electricity - as are gas pumps, public lighting, radio and TV. All indigenous cultures and religions prophesy three days of darkness to mark the "end times."
The photon belt is an immense region of space which is radiating intense electromagnetic radiation throughout the visible spectrum and beyond, into high-frequency invisible light; even including some x-ray spectra. It is part of a magnetic flow of light throughout the galaxy.
Reference has already been made through the media to huge increases in intensity of 'dangerous' radiation entering through the holes in the ozone layer in certain regions of our planet.
Solar System
Our solar system journeys through the universe in a 26,200 year cycle, its path crossing what is popularly termed the Milky Way at right angles twice during that period.
Every 13,000 years or so therefore planet Earth comes into a space/time overlap or period of NULL-TIME, an electromagnetic no-zone or energy vacuum, with complete absence of electromagnetic fields and the temporary suspension of the planetary grid system. When the pendulum reaches the destructive pause at the end of its swing, this is one of the results.
This cosmic cloud is called the PHOTON Belt, the Milky Way or Manasic Ring, and ushers in an era of Light (2,000 years of Enlightenment) after a much longer period of [biblical] darkness.
We are now poised to enter this Photon Belt, and there is nothing we can do to avoid it. It is the ending of a cycle.
Understand it without fearing it.
The Discovery of the Photon Belt
Electrons are neutralized during this period and therefore the laws of electricity lapse - there will be absolutely NO electrical activity during this period, not even from batteries.
The effects will be far-reaching.
The photon belt's discovery was due to a series of studies of the Pleiades that began in the days of the famous British Astronomer, Sir Edmund Halley (1656-1742). Halley discovered that at least three of the stars in this star group were not in the same positions recorded by the Greeks. The difference was so great that it was impossible that either the Greeks or Halley were wrong.
Halley concluded that the Pleiades moved within a prescribed system of motion.
This concept was proven by Fredrick Wilhelm Bessel with his discovery that the stars in the Pleiades had a proper motion of 5.5 seconds of arc per century. (JW We are then referred to a chart that I can't show you). Jose Comas Sola further postulated that the Pleiades and a number of other stars formed a distinct system and that all apparently had their own planetary systems.
Paul Otto Hesse also studied this system and discovered at absolute right angles to the movement of the stars, a photon belt or manasic ring with a thickness of approximately 2000 light years.
If the results of the observations of Jose Comas Sola and Paul Otto Hesse about the Pleiades are correct, our star (the Sun) is in a 24000 year cycle with the Pleiadean Photon Belt. At present we are poised to enter the belt and pass through the 2000 light year manasic ring before the end of this XX century.
The question to be asked is what is the significance of this event to our planetary civilization?
Before we answer that question let us describe some of the fore running events and allied phenomena that occur before we enter the belt. At the edge of the belt is a null zone. As we have crept closer, the planet has become subjected to an increase in seismic activity and volcanism.
Further, we have seen an alteration of traditional weather patterns that permits the formation of extremely severe typhoons, hurricanes and tornadoes. There is also the added stress placed on the upper atmosphere which could have aided the formation of the ozone holes.
The Sun has responded by an increase in solar flare activity and in a general stellar cooling.
It must be remembered that the null zone is the place where the photon energy in the belt is created. It is a place where all particles of matter and anti-matter are annihilated. Hence, there is a vast pressure on our solar system. This pressure builds up gradually and does not climb in an exponential manner until we pass into the zone.
We are now in the position of near entry into the belt (entry will occur sometime before the end of this decade).
Signs of the approach of the Photon Belt
Should Earth reach this PHOTON Belt before our Sun does, the sky will appear to be on fire and there would be three days and three nights of blinding light.
Welders' goggles would be needed to protect eyes from this light, as it would burn out the retinal nerves, and this would continue for 110-120 hours. This is a cold light, therefore there would be no heat. But there could be radiation, so one should remain indoors.
If the Sun reaches the Belt first there will be a similar period of immediate and total darkness, without the sun rising. All molecules will become excited and atomic structures will change at this point in time and all life-forms will have a certain luminescence about them, creating their own light system.
Signs of the approach of the Photon Belt are said to be strange lighting effects or colors in the sky, a perception of less light - even in midsummer, and a gradual darkening of the planet itself, with final entry into total darkness taking 15-20 minutes.
Spiraling Energies
The mechanics of this anticipated encounter of our solar system with the photon belt.
The whole universe is held together by means of vortices within vortices of centripetal energy - with their associated electromagnetic fields - like whirlpools on water, within larger whirlpools (this is the machinery behind Einstein's space-time topology of general relativity).
These spiraling energies give rise to natural space-time orbits: satellites around planets, planets around stars, solar systems around other more major vortex centers, and so on. Our planet Earth orbits the Sun once a year but our solar system as a whole also traverses an orbit in this section of the galaxy with a period of about 24,000 years.
There are many other solar (star) systems in this cyclic motion (just as there are numerous planets orbiting the Sun).
The Pleiades, which is encircled by the photon belt, is about 400 light years from us (~123 pc), and is part of this system and in fact our solar system orbits the central sun of the Pleiades, Alcyone.
The belt consists of many photon bands emanating from the centre of the galaxy, and associated with the spiral arms of the galaxy.
Alcyone - the central sun of the Pleiades Constellation
The Photon Belt and the manasic radiation have a greater impact than one might imagine.
From the scientific point of view, it is the procession of our Solar System and its accompanying planets around the Central Sun, called Alcyone, located in the constellation of Pleiades. This counter-clockwise cyclic procession around Alcyone requires 25,860 years to make one complete orbit.
Our present-day sun, moon, and planets must twice pass through the Photon Belt during this time, that is, once to the North and once to the South. (See diagram, below.)
During this cycle, there are two periods of darkness and two periods of light.
The periods of darkness, which constitute the vast majority of the rotation around the Central Sun, consist of two periods of 10,500 years each, plus an additional, seemingly optional 430 years for both of the 10,500-year periods. (i.e., 10,500 + 430 = 10,930 years, times 2 = 21,860 years).
Following each period of 10,500 years of darkness, we then emerge into 2000 years of total light, which actually constitutes the Photon Belt.
In review, we then have 21,860 years of darkness and 4,000 years of light (21,860 + 4,000 = 25,860 years, or one complete cycle/orbit).
Harmonic Convergence
In 1961 science discovered, by means of satellites, a photon belt encircling the Pleiades.
This photon belt circles the Pleiadian system at an absolute right angle to its orbital planes. As our sun (and the earth with it) orbits the Pleiades once every 25,860 years, it reaches the midpoint of the photon belt approximately every 12,500 years. It requires some 2,000 years to traverse it, meaning that after departing this realm, another 10,500 years pass before our Solar System enters it again.
Before going any further, we should be mindful of the fact that this particular cycle is nestled within a number of greater cycles.
What distinguishes this particular cycle from all its previous occurrences is that it culminates, together with all the other cycles of which it is but a part - including the overall cycle of 206 million years, in one single point of convergence. This is also called the Harmonic Convergence.
In 1962 we entered the sphere of influence of this photon belt. Calculations approximate the year of the actual entry into its mainstream to be 2011. This correlates with the time when the universe reaches its point of maximum expansion. The East familiarizes us with the contraction and expansion rhythm of the universe as the Inbreath and Outbreath of God - each breath covering a time span (in this density) in the vicinity of 11,000 years.
It is no coincidence that this time frame corresponds with the Grand Cycles, the orbit of our sun around the central sun Alcyone.
The meanings
The photon (from Greek meaning light) is a quantum of the electromagnetic field, for instance light.
The photon is one of the elementary particles, along with the electron. Together with the particles that make up nuclei, their interactions account for a great many of the features of matter, such as the existence and stability of atoms, molecules, and solids. These interactions are studied in quantum electrodynamics (QED), which is the oldest part of the Standard Model of particle physics.
This belt of photon particles was first discovered in the 1960's in vicinity of the Pleiades by satellite instrumentation.
A photon particle is the result of a collision between an anti-electron or positron and an electron. These split second collisions cause the charges of the particles to cancel and the resultant mass is converted into energy in the form of photons.
Manasic [from Sanskrit manas mind] Anglicized equivalent of Sanskrit manasika (mental, intelligent).
Greek Mythology
If you look out to the east when the sky is dark during the fall months, you will see one of the most famous and beautiful star groupings in the sky.
It looks like a small faint question mark, made up of stars. This star grouping, or cluster, is the Pleiades or Seven Sisters. The Pleiades are located within the constellation Taurus, the Bull, and represent the bull's shoulder.
In Greek mythology, Taurus represented the king of the gods, Zeus, who disguised himself as a white bull with golden horns to attract the beautiful maiden, Europa.
When Europa seated herself on the bull's back, he swam away with her to Crete, which is why we see only the animal's head and forequarters in the constellation.
The Pleiades
The Photon Belt
Sunday, September 25, 2011
ALEX COLLIER at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009
Friday, September 23, 2011
Ancient Aliens and Deadly Weapons
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Andromeda Council - War with Orion grey-Draco Reptilian ETs is won, no false flag ET invasion
READ ARTICLE ON ANDROMEDA COUNCIL: ET Council: War with grey-Draco reptilian ETs is won, no false flag ET invasion
Sunday, August 14, 2011
The Friendship Case ( Il Caso Amicizia )
English Version of an Italian documentary describing the extraordinary Italian case of alien contact with a group of men. It had been kept secret for half a century, but only just recently came to light after the death of one the men involved (Bruno Sammaciccia had asked for it to be kept secret until after his death).
In Pescara, during the 50s to 70s, a group of extraterrestrials had contacted a number of unsuspecting people directly. This project was called 'Amicizia.' These men would be brought to their (etheric) 'bases' located on earth and apparently on board the UFOs.
The people involved were of high social and cultural status, among them was the notable Console Alberto Perego. This is a collection of testimonials from them, which also shows excellent quality footage and photography of the phenomena, as well as apparent 'messages' (of love and goodwill) given to us from these beings.
Author: Pier Giorgio Caria, Director: Luca Trovellesi Cesana, Executive Producer: Diego Corvaro, Montage: Pietro Di Stefano, Giorgio Di Stefano.
Studio3TV production
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
1947 ALIEN INTERVIEW: ALIEN INTERVIEW Based On Personal Notes and Interview Transcriptions Provided by : Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy
Area 51,
Global Conspiracy,
Higher Dimensions,
Humanoid Species,
Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex,
Time Travel,
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Alien blood of Babylon
David Icke,
Global Conspiracy,
Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex,
Moon Matrix,
Reptilian Brotherhood,
Secret Societies,
Sunday, July 17, 2011
The (very) secret history of Area 51
(Mark Piesing - No one on the ground or in Pakistan’s air defence spotted Area 51′s latest toy as it kept watch on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, on the night of the US raid that killed the Taliban leader.
Rather than one of the UFOs that the wilder fringes of the internet believe the military has stashed away at America’s top-secret military site in Nevada, this “toy” was actually the latest Star Wars-type drone, or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), developed at the base whose existence Uncle Sam only barely admits.
Named the “Beast of Kandahar” after it was snapped at Kandahar air base in Afghanistan back in 2009, this stealthy grey batwing-shaped long-distance reconnaissance drone, officially known as the RQ-170 Sentinel, was a throwback to Area 51′s golden age before the advent of the spy satellite put the spy plane out of business.
While for the post-X-Files generation Area 51 will always be associated with conspiracy theories from aliens to time machines, for journalists such as Annie Jacobsen its purpose was – and, indeed, is – to develop and test the latest kit from the military industrial complex that helps to maintain America’s superpower status.
Named the “Beast of Kandahar” after it was snapped at Kandahar air base in Afghanistan back in 2009, this stealthy grey batwing-shaped long-distance reconnaissance drone, officially known as the RQ-170 Sentinel, was a throwback to Area 51′s golden age before the advent of the spy satellite put the spy plane out of business.
While for the post-X-Files generation Area 51 will always be associated with conspiracy theories from aliens to time machines, for journalists such as Annie Jacobsen its purpose was – and, indeed, is – to develop and test the latest kit from the military industrial complex that helps to maintain America’s superpower status.
“Area 51 was the single most important Cold War facility as it was set up to push science faster and further than the Soviet Union,” says Jacobsen, author of Area 51: An Uncensored History. “On one side of the road the Nevada test site was preparing for the Third World War, and on the Area 51 side they were trying to prevent it by developing air-surveillance technology.
“Today, it is doing the same job competing with whoever America sees as its enemy, whether North Korea, Iran or China.”
Yet for Jacobsen one of the strangest things about Area 51 is that even in the age of WikiLeaks and Google Earth, she has “not seen anything ever leak out of Area 51″, almost as if “the base is in a permanent state of lockdown”.
“Today, it is doing the same job competing with whoever America sees as its enemy, whether North Korea, Iran or China.”
Yet for Jacobsen one of the strangest things about Area 51 is that even in the age of WikiLeaks and Google Earth, she has “not seen anything ever leak out of Area 51″, almost as if “the base is in a permanent state of lockdown”.
Sitting on the edge of a dried-up lake bed cradled by mountains, only 90 miles or so from the fantasy world of downtown Las Vegas, it is perhaps not surprising that it is hard to separate the myth from the fact of Area 51, or Groom Lake, as old-timers have traditionally called it. Even “Area 51″ sounds like an exercise in branding, as do its other names of Dreamland, Paradise Ranch or Homey Airport. And there is something sinisterly not-quite-real about the “use of deadly force authorised” signs that stand guard on the base’s perimeter. Which can be found just inside the 4,687 square miles of the Nevada Test and Training Range and right next to the 1,350 square miles of the Nevada Test Site, where hundreds of nuclear weapons were exploded above and below ground until the test ban treaties of 1963 and 1996.
However, recent declassified documents have helped to shed light on the facts behind the myths of Area 51, from the U-2 spy plane missions that helped to unlock the secrets of the Soviet Union in the 1950s to the groundbreaking stealthy A12 that was obsolete before it even first served its country, and the record-breakingly fast recon plane the SR-71 Blackbird, which helped to spot North Vietnamese missile bases in the late 1960s and 1970s; and from the beginnings of stealth technology to the development of the F-117 stealth fighter itself, which was one of the few allied aircraft able to penetrate the air defences around downtown Baghdad and then bomb accurately. Also brought to light was the test flying of “acquired” Soviet MIG fighters in mock combat situations, which led to the founding of the Top Gun pilot programme made famous by the 1980s film of the same name.
The isolation of the base may be one good reason why the Beast of Kandahar was discovered on the opposite side of the world and not in Nevada. Along with the ability to time testing activities for when spy satellites have already passed the base it also allows for the capacity to “go underground” to avoid prying eyes. Yet for Annie Jacobsen it is the “need to know” principles of the special-access “black” programmes that run out of the base that account for the cloak of secrecy that has been maintained even in the age satellite photography. These principles were developed from the “mother of all black projects”, the Manhattan Project, which saw the creation of the world’s first nuclear bomb during the Second World War.
And sometimes, like in a blockbuster movie, even the President doesn’t need to know. According to Jacobsen, during the 1994 enquiry into allegations of human radiation experiments during the Cold War, “certain records involving programmes at Area 51 were kept from President Clinton because he didn’t have a need to know”.
For ex-Area 51 radar man Thornton D Barnes, founder of the Area 51 veterans’ association Roadrunners Internationale, the need to know meant that “everything was compartmentalised”, with only a small number of highly screened workers allowed to remain permanently on the base. Everyone else had to fly in from Vegas to “prevent fresh faces showing up in the local communities and drawing attention to something that might be going on”.
“Venturing into an area or showing an interest in something while lacking a need to know instantly banned an individual from the Area and the programme.”
And that wasn’t all.
“We were often away from our families Monday through Thursday and we couldn’t tell them where we were or what we did.
“Even now we have retired, we don’t ask each other questions about what we did unless we know that it has been declassified.”
According to Bill Sweetman, editor-in-chief of defence technology for Aviation Week, simply “pulling out the plug” and “supergluing USB ports” has also helped to keep these black programmes disconnected from our interconnected world.
However, recent declassified documents have helped to shed light on the facts behind the myths of Area 51, from the U-2 spy plane missions that helped to unlock the secrets of the Soviet Union in the 1950s to the groundbreaking stealthy A12 that was obsolete before it even first served its country, and the record-breakingly fast recon plane the SR-71 Blackbird, which helped to spot North Vietnamese missile bases in the late 1960s and 1970s; and from the beginnings of stealth technology to the development of the F-117 stealth fighter itself, which was one of the few allied aircraft able to penetrate the air defences around downtown Baghdad and then bomb accurately. Also brought to light was the test flying of “acquired” Soviet MIG fighters in mock combat situations, which led to the founding of the Top Gun pilot programme made famous by the 1980s film of the same name.
The isolation of the base may be one good reason why the Beast of Kandahar was discovered on the opposite side of the world and not in Nevada. Along with the ability to time testing activities for when spy satellites have already passed the base it also allows for the capacity to “go underground” to avoid prying eyes. Yet for Annie Jacobsen it is the “need to know” principles of the special-access “black” programmes that run out of the base that account for the cloak of secrecy that has been maintained even in the age satellite photography. These principles were developed from the “mother of all black projects”, the Manhattan Project, which saw the creation of the world’s first nuclear bomb during the Second World War.
And sometimes, like in a blockbuster movie, even the President doesn’t need to know. According to Jacobsen, during the 1994 enquiry into allegations of human radiation experiments during the Cold War, “certain records involving programmes at Area 51 were kept from President Clinton because he didn’t have a need to know”.
For ex-Area 51 radar man Thornton D Barnes, founder of the Area 51 veterans’ association Roadrunners Internationale, the need to know meant that “everything was compartmentalised”, with only a small number of highly screened workers allowed to remain permanently on the base. Everyone else had to fly in from Vegas to “prevent fresh faces showing up in the local communities and drawing attention to something that might be going on”.
“Venturing into an area or showing an interest in something while lacking a need to know instantly banned an individual from the Area and the programme.”
And that wasn’t all.
“We were often away from our families Monday through Thursday and we couldn’t tell them where we were or what we did.
“Even now we have retired, we don’t ask each other questions about what we did unless we know that it has been declassified.”
According to Bill Sweetman, editor-in-chief of defence technology for Aviation Week, simply “pulling out the plug” and “supergluing USB ports” has also helped to keep these black programmes disconnected from our interconnected world.
“Along with the traditional black techniques of the need to know and using a small number of slightly frightened people, these programmes have either now been disconnected from the internet or have never been connected to it in the first place, and the resulting ‘air gap system’ has prevented them from being compromised by Chinese hackers, like so many other programmes have been.”
So successful are the secrecy techniques that it’s clear that we are going to see more – not fewer – of these black programmes.
However, Sweetman believes that – along with strict secrecy – “black propaganda” helps to keep Area 51′s secrets.
“There were certainly deliberate disinformation campaigns to generate a lot of noise about UFOs back in the 1950s and 1960s to cover secret flights of planes like the U-2, and then again in the late 1970s and early 1980s to link Area 51 to UFOs through ‘fake’ documents and eyewitness accounts of alien technology – and even alien bodies.”
The goal, he believes, was originally to mask the rebuilding of the base and then to stop people “asking why is there this huge secret and expensive military base in the middle of the desert”.
Annie Jacobsen has real fears about the “lack of respect for the constitution” that this level of secrecy can entail. The construction in 2007 of a new hangar twice the size of any other at Area 51 and another large hangar in 2010 meant that something was going on – but the public doesn’t have a need to know.
It is possible to look at the Beast of Kandahar for clues as to what the new project might be, or even at the stealthy Special Forces Black Hawk helicopters that were also revealed or even compromised by the Bin Laden raid. The size of the hangars suggests that it could be early prototypes of the $4bn next-generation American bomber programme that are already being put through their paces down on Groom Lake.
Whatever it is, the Beast of Kandahar is only the shape of things to come.
‘Area 51: An Uncensored History’ by Annie Jacobson is published by Orion (£20)
A British Area 51?
If there is a British Area 51 then it is Area 51, says Nick Cook, former aviation correspondent of and now aerospace consultant for Jane’s Defence Weekly and author of The Hunt for Zero Point. “Britain is just too small to have such a secret flight testing facility”, he argues. “Boscombe Down is the closest thing we have to it, but the A303 runs right alongside so when a highly top secret US spy plane – that still hasn’t been identified – crashed in 1994 it quickly made national headlines.”
As a result he believes Britain has cultivated a special relationship with the Americans in stealth technology. In the late eighties it became public knowledge the “RAF had an exchange programme with Area 51 that involved a small number of RAF pilots training on the F117 Stealth fighter. Then in the Nineties there were rumours of a joint US and UK stealth programme out at Groom Lake”. While those stories have trailed away Bill Sweetman believes that this special relationship has carried as he has only recently heard fresh rumours of a “black exchange programme” for RAF pilots out at Area 51.
So successful are the secrecy techniques that it’s clear that we are going to see more – not fewer – of these black programmes.
However, Sweetman believes that – along with strict secrecy – “black propaganda” helps to keep Area 51′s secrets.
“There were certainly deliberate disinformation campaigns to generate a lot of noise about UFOs back in the 1950s and 1960s to cover secret flights of planes like the U-2, and then again in the late 1970s and early 1980s to link Area 51 to UFOs through ‘fake’ documents and eyewitness accounts of alien technology – and even alien bodies.”
The goal, he believes, was originally to mask the rebuilding of the base and then to stop people “asking why is there this huge secret and expensive military base in the middle of the desert”.
Annie Jacobsen has real fears about the “lack of respect for the constitution” that this level of secrecy can entail. The construction in 2007 of a new hangar twice the size of any other at Area 51 and another large hangar in 2010 meant that something was going on – but the public doesn’t have a need to know.
It is possible to look at the Beast of Kandahar for clues as to what the new project might be, or even at the stealthy Special Forces Black Hawk helicopters that were also revealed or even compromised by the Bin Laden raid. The size of the hangars suggests that it could be early prototypes of the $4bn next-generation American bomber programme that are already being put through their paces down on Groom Lake.
Whatever it is, the Beast of Kandahar is only the shape of things to come.
‘Area 51: An Uncensored History’ by Annie Jacobson is published by Orion (£20)
A British Area 51?
If there is a British Area 51 then it is Area 51, says Nick Cook, former aviation correspondent of and now aerospace consultant for Jane’s Defence Weekly and author of The Hunt for Zero Point. “Britain is just too small to have such a secret flight testing facility”, he argues. “Boscombe Down is the closest thing we have to it, but the A303 runs right alongside so when a highly top secret US spy plane – that still hasn’t been identified – crashed in 1994 it quickly made national headlines.”
As a result he believes Britain has cultivated a special relationship with the Americans in stealth technology. In the late eighties it became public knowledge the “RAF had an exchange programme with Area 51 that involved a small number of RAF pilots training on the F117 Stealth fighter. Then in the Nineties there were rumours of a joint US and UK stealth programme out at Groom Lake”. While those stories have trailed away Bill Sweetman believes that this special relationship has carried as he has only recently heard fresh rumours of a “black exchange programme” for RAF pilots out at Area 51.
Friday, June 24, 2011
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