
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Was UN Secretary General Abducted by Aliens in 1989 to Prevent ET Disclosure?

In a November 21 lecture, veteran UFO researcher Dr. Steven Greer made the startling claim that in 1989, the United Nations Secretary General, Javier Perez de Cuellar, was abducted in a false flag alien event. Greer said that the fake abduction was designed to block an initiative by leading world statesmen meeting at the United Nations to disclose the truth about extraterrestrial life and technology to the world.

In his lecture, Greer said that he had spoken with the Crown Prince of Lichtenstein, Hans-Adam, who had revealed to him the startling extraterrestrial disclosure plan being negotiated in 1989 at the United Nations. Prince Hans-Adam was participating in the high level negotiations involving Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev (Secretary General of the USSR), along with other world leaders who were meeting with Perez de Cuellar, as the Cold War was coming to an end.

Greer said that the disclosure plan was aborted at the 11th hour, after Perez de Cuellar was involved in an abduction event where he was forcibly taken to a spacecraft and threatened by extraterrestrials. Greer explained what Prince Hans-Adam had told him:

He said what happened was that Perez de Cuellar … was coming back from a 3 am late night planning session for this event when he was abducted by aliens from his motorcade in Manhattan … Perez de Cuellar was taken somehow out of the motorcade onto an ET craft where he was threatened by the ETs and told: If you disclose this information, we will abduct every world leader involved, including the President of the United States.

Greer went on to say that the event was actually a staged abduction. It involved highly classified corporate programs using bioengineered “Programmed Life Forms” (PLFs) designed to look like real extraterrestrials. He said that the PLFs, which he called “aliens” as opposed to genuine extraterrestrials, were used in many thousands of false flag abduction events to fool the world into believing we were facing an extraterrestrial threat. The PLFs would implant abductees with tracking chips so they could easily be abducted in the future by the corporations involved.

Click to Enlarge

To support his startling claims, Greer supplied documents showing that he was indeed in communications with Prince Hans-Adam, and met with him in New York in July 1994. The letters show that Hans-Adam had agreed with Greer’s analysis of the role of transnational corporations in managing the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon, but thought Greer had little chance of success in his disclosure efforts.

Greer also supplied whistleblower testimony from William Pawelec, a former military/corporate contractor, who had disclosed that small electronic implant chips had been developed in 1979 for tracking purposes. These could be implanted into people, making them trackable even from an altitude of 120 kilometers. Pawelec said that billions of the chips were made by a division of the Siemens corporation, but they had disappeared.

Click to Enlarge

Greer also supplied a document from the Strategic Studies Institute located inside the US Army War College, which detailed an elaborate psychological warfare plan to deceive the world about extraterrestrial life by staging false flag alien abductions. The plan envisaged traumatizing abducted individuals sufficiently so that they would be willing accomplices in a future false flag alien invasion scenario.

The documents and whistleblower testimonies Greer cited raise important questions about why the Siemens corporation had manufactured billions of chip implants soon after 1979, which could be used to track individuals. Pawelec testimony is especially significant since implants have been found in many abductees that proved to be electronic tracking devices them.

More recent research on implants has shown that these can be used to remotely influence individuals from satellites using advanced computer systems. A U.S. Patent issued in 2000 reveals that individuals with brain implants can have their thoughts and emotions electronically influenced by satellites remote controlled by advanced computers.

Greer’s documents and Pawelec’s testimony strongly suggest the existence of a highly classified corporate military program to monitor and remotely influence individuals with implants for psychological warfare purposes. Furthermore, one of the Edward Snowden NSA files, also confirms that UFOs were a key part of covert online operations.

Was Perez de Cuellar subjected to a false flag alien abduction for psychological warfare purposes, as Greer claims?

The crux of Greer’s version of events is that Perez de Cuellar was abducted and threatened by the ‘aliens’ (PLF’s impersonating extraterrestrials), after leaving a late night planning session for an upcoming extraterrestrial disclosure plan by the United Nations. Yet there is compelling evidence that Perez de Cuellar was not actually abducted himself, but had witnessed, along with his two bodyguards, an alien abduction of a woman around 3 am on November 30, 1989.

Hopkins book discussing the Linda Napolitano UFO abduction

Budd Hopkins, a respected UFO researcher, was the first to investigate the Linda Napolitano (aka Linda Cortile) alien abduction case. Essentially, Napolitano claims that she was floated out of her 12th floor bedroom window by three aliens that appeared in a bluish-white beam of light, projected from a large glowing UFO hovering over her Manhattan apartment complex. She was then taken inside the alien craft and had various experiments conducted on her.

In early February 1991, Hopkins received a letter from two men claiming to be police officers using the first names Richard and Dan, who had seen the Napolitano abduction. Richard and Dan were acting as bodyguards for an unidentified VIP and were in a car two blocks away. They told Hopkins:

There was an oval-shaped object hovering over the top of the apartment building two or three blocks up from where we sat. We didn’t know where it came from. It happened too fast. Its lights turned from a bright reddish orange to a whitish blue coming out of the bottom. Green lights rotated round the edge of the saucer. A little girl or woman wearing a white gown sailed out of the window in a fetal position – and then stood in mid-air in this beam of light. I could see three of the ugliest creatures I ever saw. I don’t know what they were. They weren’t human. Their heads were out of proportion, very large heads with no hair. Those buggers were escorting her into the craft. My partner screamed, ‘We have got to get them.’ We tried to get out of the car but couldn’t. After the woman was escorted in, the oval turned reddish orange again and whisked off.

The third witness had seen the abduction from a ¼ mile away while traveling on the Brooklyn bridge. Up to 23 witnesses have come forward describing various aspects of abduction incidents described by Napolitano.

The VIP was later identified by the two bodyguards as Perez de Cuellar. Hopkins claimed that he was able to get directly in touch with de Cuellar who confirmed to Hopkins that he had seen the abduction. Hopkins says that he met with de Cuellar who insisted on keeping his involvement in the incident confidential, despite Hopkin’s efforts to persuade him to go public.

Hopkin’s investigation of the Napolitano incident showed that there were four direct witnesses in total, including de Cuellar, to Napolitano’s abduction.

So, there was an abduction that de Cuellar had seen, but was he directly involved as Greer was told? According to the two bodyguards, their car had stopped running during the sighting suggesting it was under the influence of the saucer shaped craft.

Also, it was later revealed that one of the bodyguards, Dan, had a lifetime of personal abduction experiences himself and was often paired with Linda Napolitano when they were children. He apparently recognized Napolitano from these childhood incidents, and became obsessive over her.

In one of her sessions with Hopkins, Napolitano revealed a startling development: “she thought somehow she was being used by the aliens to control the men. She communicated with the men telepathically.” It can be concluded that while in the flying saucer, she was telepathically communicating with Dan and/or Perez de Cuellar on behalf of the aliens.

Later, Dan and Richard revealed they were CIA agents. As these additional details emerged, some investigators then dismissed the Napolitano case as clever disinformation to discredit Hopkins’ abduction research.

Details from what Prince Hans-Adam told Greer, indicate Napolitano’s abduction had happened at roughly the same time as Perez de Cuellar was himself directly involved in an abduction incident. The most plausible explanation is that de Cuellar had seen Napolitano’s abduction, and was perhaps even telepathically influenced, rather than being abducted himself, as Greer was told.

Nevertheless, the latter possibility can’t be ruled out entirely given the abduction history of one of his personal bodyguards, and problems experienced with the car around the time the abduction was occurring.

In either case, the Napolitano abduction had a powerful emotional effect on Perez de Cuellar and his bodyguards. It is easy to understand why Perez de Cuellar may have interpreted the abduction incident as a threat not to proceed with the United Nations disclosure plan. This is even more so if de Cuellar was receiving telepathic communications from Napolitano through Dan, on behalf of the aliens. All of this parallels with key elements of what Greer was told by Prince Hans-Adam.

In addition, Greer insisted in his lecture that the incident was a staged alien abduction, rather than a genuine extraterrestrial event. According to Greer, extraterrestrials are not involved in abductions or other hostile actions. In his opinion, extraterrestrials do not conduct overt hostile actions against humanity. If hostile acts occur, this is indicative of a false flag alien event staged by rogue classified programs run by transnational corporations in cooperation with elements of military-intelligence community of the world’s major nations.

Greer’s conclusion that there are no hostile extraterrestrials interacting with humanity is very controversial, and is refuted by the testimonies of many whistleblowers and experiencers claiming the contrary. Long adhering to his position, in May 2006 Greer launched a rare public rebuke of my exopolitics research for claiming that some extraterrestrial visitors behaved in a hostile manner. My response to him at the time is here.

In the Perez de Cuellar abduction, as related to Greer, the action was overtly hostile in terms of threats being made to abduct other world leaders. Greer concludes that this is evidence of it being a false flag alien event that belongs to the ongoing psychological warfare operations against the world public.

It is plausible that the 1989 abduction was indeed designed to be a threat and warning not to proceed with the United Nations extraterrestrial disclosure plan. As for whether the Napolitano incident was a staged alien abduction or a genuine extraterrestrial event, there is considerable room for debate. It was certainly the opinion of Budd Hopkins, who has done the most work in investigating the case, that it was a genuine extraterrestrial abduction.

Yet Greer does have some compelling documentary evidence that substantiates staged alien abductions as a tool for a broader psychological warfare campaign. One of the goals of which is to condition the world populace to accept a contrived hostile alien threat.

Regardless of the debate over whether the aliens in the Napolitano abduction case were genuine or not, what Greer has done in releasing Prince Hans-Adam’s testimony in his November 21 lecture, is that it strongly confirms Hopkin’s earlier claims that Perez de Cuellar was directly involved with the Napolitano abduction event. Whether de Cuellar was merely a witness to Napolitano’s abduction, was himself abducted, and/or had received telepathic messages from the aliens, more research is required.

The testimony of Prince Hans-Adam, as relayed by Greer, is supported to a significant extent by the impressive evidence accumulated in the Napolitano abduction case. The final conclusion is astounding. A secret 1989 United Nations plan for extraterrestrial disclosure was aborted due to a threat the UN Secretary General Perez de Cuellar received. Either genuine extraterrestrial visitors conducting abductions, or aliens (PLFs) created by a cabal of transnational entities staging false flag alien abductions, did not want humanity to learn the truth about extraterrestrial visitation.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Vatican linked to United Nations video on integrating extraterrestrial life

Secret United Nations Space Program Preparing for Alien Invasion

Obama admits space aliens control USA: Was he joking?

Reagan Speech about Alien Threat linked to Secret UN Interstellar Space Fleet

Are Aliens Guarding President Obama


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