
Monday, February 8, 2016

What’s beneath ET Disclosure: Were We Lab Rats?

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright – As an extraterrestrial experiencer since childhood, this is a challenging blog to write. In fact, I do not want to write it. The question I ask in this blog involves my life journey investigating what happened to me as an ET experiencer. What happened to my friends and colleagues?

Furthermore, I don’t have to write this blog. I have confirmation about much of my ET Experience, which is ongoing. Most of my friends and colleagues have confirmation. There is an ET Presence.

And yet, the mainstream confusing culture chatter of ET remains a constant conundrum.

So, although it would be easier to ignore where my intuition is going—I won’t.

In the end, that’s futile. Questions remain until answered. Here are my question and an attempt at an answer.

Question: What’s Beneath Disclosure: Were We Lab Rats?

Is a vast government-military-intelligence laboratory program that involved citizens of the United States, without their consent, beneath the confusing 70 years of Ufology?

Are citizens used as subjects in ET UFO scientific field lab experiments to see how we would react to ETs and UFOs? And if so, to what extent are citizens, as unknowing subjects, denied their civil and human rights in this process? Were we, as subjects, fed propaganda and lies and events—some deeply personal—in order to investigate how humans respond to the ET Presence?

My observations lead me to answer, yes. Our government probably experimented with citizens around ETs and UFOs. And it was a vast multifaceted program.

And all of this is theoretical. I have no FOIA. No Proof. But….

1942: Chemical Warfare Services: Mustard Gas lab experiments

1945 US Atomic Energy Commission: Program F experiments on effects of fluoride

1947: CIA: LSD program experiments

1950: CIA: Project Bluebird experiments in mind control, renamed numerous times

1952 CIA: MK ULTRA, Project Moonstruck experiments in mind control

1958 CIA: Project Dreamland or Orion experiments using drugs, hypnosis, ELF frequencies

That’s a start. A short list of government-military-intelligence lab experiments.

When and where did the Extraterrestrial lab experiments begin? My guess is that the (hypothetical) programs began during the late 40s or 50s. And they continue today.

Who was involved?

Citizens were involved in MILABs—staged ET Experiencer Groups—Abductions—UFO sightings—Film and Television—Books—Conferences—Political Initiatives—Social Media—Blogs. A myriad of communications and structured field lab settings.

What does this mean?

If my theory is correct, then multiple experiments were conducted by government-military-intelligence to research various human reactions to an ET Presence. And those running these programs logged many experiments, many responses, and drew valid conclusions.

I surmise; it went far beyond military abduction, MILAB experiments.

Some of those experiments and conclusions were selected to be made public. They were handed to researchers, film-makers, authors, activists, and Ufology experts—a phone call or dropped document or an off the record conversation. Then, per the lab plan, these experts communicated the information to the public. Few experts pass on a great story. And few experts knew they were participating in the labs. Need for scientific objectivity determined that participant knowledge might taint the results.

Few experts pass on a great story. And few experts knew they were participating in the labs. Need for scientific objectivity determined that participant knowledge might taint the results.

To be clear, I’m not pointing fingers, except at myself. A vast program left no one in the field of Ufology innocent of involvement.

Continual Confusion

Thus, the confusion started with the labs. From the outset confusion reigned regarding ET.

If you live in a society where someone uses citizens for a vast array of lab experiments and publicizes select results, then you would create confusion. In order to examine a spectrum of reactions, the citizens would need to encounter a wide range of encounters and stories of ETs.Confusion wasn’t necessarily planned. Or deviously determined. Primarily, confusion was simply the result of multiple experiments with varied conclusions.

And all of this is theoretical. I have no FOIA. No Proof. But….

Each experiment, if it was chosen to move into the public media, would be designed to provide a different set of information and possible results (responses).

Many years have passed. Many experiments completed. We know the results. We experienced them all.

We can recite the confusion: good ET, bad ET, kidnapping ET, hungry ET, benevolent ET, recon UFO, attack UFO, peacemaking UFO, and Hollywood ET. Until today, we have the Moon-Mars Secret Space ET.

It’s the Humans, Stupid

The lab studies were not about ET—they were about HUMANS.

In a detailed, careful scientific study each experiment would result in varying information about humans. Not extraterrestrials. Humans.

Decades of field lab experiments would provide data on citizens—humans. The data would be studied and categorized as to how humans reacted to the plethora of information and scenarios about UFOs and ET’s.

Then, the humans’ reactions could be manipulated. Until eventually, the data would show the right formula for disclosure.

Disclosure Formula Done Right

Here is a possible spectrum of reactions to ET: humans either shut down in emotional paralysis and denial, fight back trying to gain information, or flee into utopian communities where they dwell with their spiritual like-minded experiencers. Some simply ignore all the ET shenanigans. Others get high and exaggerate or drug and medicate the experience.

Then there were the specific designer-fashioned ET labs: the data would show some citizens to prefer the blue avian ETs, others the sexy Nordic women, others the terror of the reptilians and others the cute gray cyborg. Pick your ET.

Heck, the psychologists in the lab program probably designed a personality test based on ET Preference.

Pick your ET–It’s your personality. It will premiere on FB after Disclosure. And, it will go viral.

Disclosure: Removing the Truth Embargo

Chances are— if you are an ET Experiencer, have seen a UFO, then you are in a database…somewhere. And unless there is a Frank Church (there isn’t) then you will never know the extent of the games played at your expense. After all, you are simply a citizen. A subject. Dare I say, a lab rat.

As Hillary and Podesta make promises, as X-Files premieres as soft disclosure—we are drawing closer to the engineered social revelation of the Extraterrestrial Presence.

Trust me; the lab will not do Disclosure until they have the human reaction formula down perfect.

But Wait, Here’s the Rub

Labs create perfect formulas. That is their purpose.

But it is also the rub.

And all of this is theoretical. I have no FOIA. No Proof. But….

There have been numerous labs. And we, as citizens participated in the labs, some of us from the beginning, so we are familiar with all of our responses.

Since we were the subjects of these ongoing experiments, citizen subjects, we know the results of the laboratory experiments we experienced. We know how we reacted. So the information and the roll-out of Disclosure will not come as a surprise. Anyway, Hillary’s promising a task force and starting with Area 51, so we have a bit of time yet.

So, before Presidential Disclosure is official, sit down and list your reactions to every possible experiment you experienced. Remembered reaction to possible experiments = your map through Official Disclosure.

Peaceful Child Disclosure Has My Money

Because our sad truth is that in the view of government-military-intelligence labs, the citizens experimented on are children. Subjects.My guess is Disclosure will be a designer mixture of the field lab experiments that were most successful in controlling humans. Any fear and anxiety will be calmed by a commander in chief.

Mommy or Daddy.

I predict a peaceful child disclosure. The Von Braun fireworks of an alien attack will start at a later date. Stay tuned. First the sleep, then the scream. Isn’t that the trauma formula?
Peaceful Child Disclosure=Everything Remains in Place

For now, a peaceful, go along with the program response will be preferred. A peaceful, go along with the program response will guarantee that nothing changes. No principalities or powers will be moved. All will remain intact.

Blind consent accomplishes amazing things for those who engineer our reality.

The Pope, President, the Bankers, Media, the Judges and Titans of Corporations, the Generals and Intelligentsia will remain intact–reposing in a peaceful disclosure, content that the formula worked. The Lab was a success. All is well in the ET world.

Exoconscious Exceptions

Except, the Exoconscious remember what happened. And, during in the 70-year lab experiment rollout, we matured. We don’t need Mommy or Daddy in the form of a President or an Implant.

We are creating new realities, accessing our innate connection and communication with extraterrestrials. Acting on our confirmation of the ET Presence—not man-made artificial confusion.

Our segment of experiment participants plans to move in another direction. We Exoconscious lab rats are awake and we remember who we are. It’s too late, our cage is open. We escaped confusion for certainty. Commotion for Confirmation.

It’s up to us what we make of it. But one thing is certain; we will never be rats again.

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright is a Guest Contributor for Shift Frequency

SF Source Exoconsciousness Feb 2016

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