
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Unveiling Earth’s Ancient History – The Emerald Doorway - Book Review

MARCH 10, 2016

Scott Lemriel’s latest book, The Emerald Doorway: Three Mystic Crystals is a fiction based on fact exploration of Earth’s ancient history. Lemriel claims he has had extraterrestrial contact, out of body of experiences and telepathic communications with a number of higher dimensional beings who have provided him with information about exopolitical events dating from the distant past to the present. He has used this information as the factual backdrop for what reads as a highly entertaining Sci-Fi novel.

Lemriel begins his novel with a four star U.S. Air Force General, who is also the President’s National Security Advisor, flying over the Bermuda triangle in a 747 passenger jet, which is nearly shot down by a spacecraft piloted by a hostile alien. The General is rescued by another group of aliens, and he demands answers to what had just happened.

The General subsequently meets with the same friendly aliens who take him through a hidden doorway at Mount Shasta to a parallel time dimension. The General is the introduced to advanced psychic technologies by a mysterious “Adept of the Ancient One,” which allows him to holographically experience historical events to find his answers.

The General learns of the role of the hostile alien who 100,000 years ago came into possession of a powerful crystal which he used to hypnotically control others in his search for two more crystals that would give him absolute power. In his quest for power, the hostile alien foments galactic warfare, and brings about the destruction of the planet Maldek, whose remains form the current asteroid belt.

The alien also attempts to foment war between Atlantis and its mother colony, Lemuria, 100,000 years ago. However, a pole shift occurs that leads to the almost complete destruction of the Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations. The only survivors are those residing at an Atlantean outpost on an extinct volcano, and individuals who in the final moments before the cataclysm were able to ascend into a parallel time dimension.

As a result of the chaotic energies unleashed through the ancient pole shift, the hostile alien time travels 100,000 years into the Earth’s present history. The story ends with the General learning about the nefarious alien’s plans to create havoc on Earth, and he travels to Washington DC to warn the President. We will learn what happens in two future books that Lemriel plans to write to complete his trilogy.

Lemriel is a gifted writer and has produced a gripping story, which provides the reader with much historical information that may be substantially based on fact. Lemriel’s extraterrestrial and higher dimensional contacts, which include the Seres that he described in his previous book, The Seres Agenda, have provided him with tantalizing historical information.

The Emerald Doorway’s version of Earth and Galactic history is entirely plausible, though the fiction based on fact writing style makes it very difficult to compare it with other accounts of humanity’s ancient relationship with interstellar visitors.

For example, secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode, has revealed that he learned on “smart glass pads” he had access to during his 20 year covert service (1987 -2007) that human civilizations on Earth go back as far as 18 million years, and that major cataclysms have indeed wiped out entire civilizations on the surface, and survivors have escaped into Inner Earth locations.

Goode claims that he recently met with representatives of seven ancient civilizations in ongoing negotiations between them and a secret space program alliance. Could any of these seven civilizations be related to ancient Lemurian and Atlantean survivors from a major cataclysm approximately 100,000 years ago?

Could the parallel time dimensions described by Lemriel, correspond to the inner Earth caverns where futuristic civilizations exist according to Goode? Finally, are the mysterious Adepts described by Lemriel, related to these ancient “Inner Earth” civilizations in some way? According to Goode, the Inner Earth beings are masters of remotely influencing surface humanity by telepathic communication to promote their own agendas.

To be fair to Lemriel, the comparison of historical information is not the chief purpose in writing his book. His goal is one of producing a highly entertaining novel that is a primer for those not yet ready to accept controversial information from whistleblowers and contactees about ancient historical events on Earth, galactic politics and its relevance to contemporary global affairs. In that sense, Lemriel’s book succeeds admirably, and is a suitable gift for even the most ardent skeptic who will appreciate a good story.

The Emerald Doorway is available at Amazon. For further information visit Scott Lemriel’s Website

Written by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.


Golden age of alien disclosure & ascension according to Seres Agenda

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