
Sunday, December 6, 2020

Intergalactic A.I. - Alien Control and Reptilian Moon Soul Trap

An in-depth, other-worldly, explosive, fascinating, esoteric, mystical and intense interview and conversation with Ori Ana and Age Of Truth TV Presenter and Investigative Reporter, Lucas Alexander. 

ORI ANA - 213B - The Chrononaut is the author of a massive book called "MODERN INTERGALACTIC TALE" and "THE MEANING OF THE WORD AMERICA". She ventures into all fields of the possible and the impossible. That place in space where the impossible becomes the possible, and perhaps even a reality. But what is reality? What if EVERYTHING we have EVER been told and taught and programmed to believe, is one extraordinary deception? A lie greater than anything you could dare to imagine. THEN the unknown, and the infinity of the universe and all it´s complex dimensions and Alien life-forms - connected to the grand Architect, the creator-force Source - could not be easily grasped by a regular human, but could be explained through mathematics, numbers, structures and geometry. 
Who is Ori Ana? A spirit from the sky. An otherworldly soul-being inhabiting a female human body. She is a mathematician and scientist, also a translator, studying Quantum Physics and Hyperdimensional Mathematics specialising in A.I. Artificial Intelligence, 5G, Time Travel, Parallel Dimensions, Ancient Civilisations, Science & Spirituality United, the teachings of the Tibetan & High Himalayan Secret Yogi Schools from an Insider, Natural Science & Biology, the Na-z-is: in Space and on Earth, and Alien Races. 
Her name, she claims is: 213B - as she has renounced all links to the Earth family she was born into. She adopted the name Orgyen, but she calls her ORI ANA. 
She claims to be a Time Traveler, in fact not even from Earth, although she was born here, into a very troubled family situation, having to eventually raise herself. But if she is not from the planet, where is she from? 
We will be discussing her Super Soldier connection to a distant future timeline, as she claims to be a Time Traveler from the future, also The Reptilian Sirius alien race, the Soul Trap behind the Moon, Natural Law principles, Quantum Mechanics, Clones and many other topics... 
INTERVIEW presented by AGE OF TRUTH TV´s Investigative Reporter, Lucas Alexander. Filmed on November 18th 2020. 
LINKS to ORI ANA (Contact and Book info): 
Age Of Truth TV website: 
For further contact:

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